Digging up the grave of the past

You always find things when you aren’t looking for them. Recently, I was searching through my email (which there is a ton of since you don’t technially delete anything anymore) and came across some very old, very early ideas we developed here at Capital Idea Radio! They aren’t really that good, but I thought they would be fun to listen to. And they are, fun to listen to. But, yeah, there’s not a whole lot here.

Talking with Myself with Matthew Magoyavich – Mix Tape – We did a little “mock NPR” run developing two different shows to see if we could gain any traction with the ideas. As you probably already guessed, we didn’t. This one was about purchasing a telephone that can connect you to yourself but five years into the future. I still laugh at the thought of this: what amazing things could you know about the future in five years that you could use to your benefit? Now last it on things that don’t really matter.

Mending Fences with Dr. Lyle Plather – Mix Tape – The other NPR idea came from the one and only Ricky Glore. Mending Fences is about getting life advice from a “doctor” that has his degree in pop culture and trashy celebrity magazines. The advice is sincere even if the topics are strange.

It’s Alive – Mix Tape – There’s a well known audio theater trop known as The Truth Podcast that created a fiction based on Terry Bisson’s short story “Meat”. It’s amazing story and I highly suggest listening to it or reading it online. This inspired us to create our own “Meat”-like story. Suffice to say, we fell a little short. Still a great listen.

Mr. Stampe kills Jonathon Kirk – Mix Tape – There’s nothing like a killer revealing all of his secrets into a old school cassette tape. Mr. Stampe takes you on the ride of a serial killer’s mind. One of the very first attempts at audio theater and you can hear it. Even if the writing is damn near perfect. *dusts the shoulders off*